Glossary of Terms and Anagrams – Past, Present, & Future
Numbers and Symbols
3dVi – SEE: Three Dimensional Volumetric Imaging.
4 Play – in-house slang for the playback of 4qVis.
4qVis – in-house slang for Four Dimensional Quantum Storage Visualizer.
8th WARS – SEE: Waste And Recycling Services #8.
≈ d## – File coding for approximate numbers of days post tctm activation.
The Abandonment [ft] – The evacuation of North America. Date TBD.
All Terrain Glider (ATG) [ft] – individual multi-wheeled, weaponized vehicles with airburst for jump thrust and kite wing deployment for long glides. In Myri-pod, multiple ATGs can be joined together in a variety of ways for convoys with auto guidance. aka: Clodhoppers.
Alliance of the Americas [ft] – Early failed form of government during The Abandonment.
Ants [ft] – Underground inhabitants of Gross Acres. Not only do they live underground, they also use every scrap of decaying objects around them.
ATG [ft] – SEE: All Terrain Glider.
Auxiliary Claiming Beacon [ft] – Supplementary Territorial makers defining a Staked Claim’s parameters. Only valid if verified by link to Primary Claiming Beacon. See Electronic Claiming Beacons, aka: Claiming Stakes, Mile Markers
Base Notes: SEE: RMH
bc – File coding designation for binary conversion – the conversion of data from quantum computing to digital computing. Referred to by the quantum computing team as “going back to the stone age.”
Bi-Input Transducer [ft] producing electricity from two sources, normally light and wind.
Bio Control [ft] – Identification, filtration, storage, and destruction of toxic biological or biochemical. Designation for Area H (ar.H) of Gross Acres.
Biting Wind [ft] – A strong wind that contains a caustic mist. One of several types of storms found in Eco-Inclemency.
The Black Whole – in-house slang for the compressed Quantum Storage retained without partitions. Viewed with 4qVis the data amassed via the Time Travel Protocols is an impenetrable block corrupted by chrono-cohesion.
The Bleak [ft] – One of the tracts of land deemed uninhabitable since The Abandonment.
Bottled Rockets [ft] – Plastic and glass bottles of various sizes that use a variety of propellants to be launched as part of the ground-to-air defense system of Gross Acres.
Bugeye [ft] – Tiny drones that mimic the actions of bugs to evade detection with state of the art EM masking and tight beam transmission
Calibrated Time Determinants (CTD) – Using matching temporal markers in a Quantum Entanglement to compensate for stream time distortions when aligning separate streams into chronological synchronicity. aka Connect The Dots
CanardCom – A privately owned company producing gaming software and hardware as well as conducting research and development in quantum computing.
CanardCom Commerce – the consumer sales department for all hardware and software products produced by CanardCom.
CanardCom GameFrame – the signature website for CanardCom. Hosting different levels of games and puzzles designed to change brain cells into mind fields.
CanardCom Gaming – the public face of this privately held company.
CanardCom Security (CCS) – The cyber screening and physical protection of CanardCom has two departments. CCMS – CanardCom Maze Security and CCVS – CanardCom Void Security
CanardCom Maze Security (CCMS) – Department of CCS responsible for access to CanardCom facilities and Maze Security.
CanardCom Void Security (CCVS) – Department in CCS responsible for security within the Void, enforcing and following all rules of the Void.
Capture Nets [ft] – various forms of material are used to create woven traps for flying objects. Some are strung between balloons while others shoot up unexpectedly, carried by Bottled Rockets. Often electrified.
CCMS – SEE: CanardCom Maze Security.
CCS – SEE: CanardCom Security.
CCVS – SEE: CanardCom Void Security.
CEO – SEE: Chief Executive Officer.
CET – SEE: Cutting Edge Technology.
ch – File coding for Channel.
Channel – SEE: Coherent Data Stream.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) – In charge of all business decisions.
Chief Science Officer (CSO) – In charge of all areas of research.
Chrono-Cohesion – The flow of time in a data stream that is nominal for the perception of time in this part of the universe.
Civilian Police Department (CPD) [ft] – The public law enforcement branch within Extant Perish.
Claiming Stakes [ft] – See: Electronic Claiming Stakes.
Clockwork Bridges [ft] – Using old railroad tracks to suspend a series of moving platforms which are geared to work in sync.
Clodhoppers [ft] – slang for the All Terrain Glider.
CLOIS – The Void mainframe, isolated from any contact outside The Void. All data not generated internally must be input at a physical terminal and only by the CEO or CSO.
CLOIS_EG – File coding for CLOIS Educated Guessing.
CLOIS Educated Guessing – Computer program using Calibrated Time Distortions (CTD) and Point to Point Predictive Protocol (ppPP) to produce a hybrid presentation containing computer simulations of disrupted video between connected verifiable data anchor points.
Clois Vox – Voice synthesizer.
Coherent Stream – SEE: Coherent Quantum Data Stream
Coherent Quantum Data Stream – Quantum Data flow from a single source, accessible to DRIP for Deductive Decoding by Time Line Visualizer. aka: Channel
Communers [ft] – People who live on The Settlements in Flux who have achieved a state of xenobiosis.
Condition Red Repair [ft] – Independent emergency response teams that work for the DWP and other corporations that operate in the Infi-Red.
Connect The Dots – In-house slang for CTD.
Country Outlet Mall [ft] – SEE: Country Outlet Museum and Supply
Country Outlet Museum and Supply [ft] – Previously a mega mall in the Intemperate Zone. It is the last trading post before The Wipe. aka: Hoarders Hermitage
Court Reporter (CR) [ft] – Field agent for the Extant Perish Judicial System. SEE: Addendum B: Court Reporter, Uniform and Function.
CPD [ft] – SEE: Civilian Police Department.
CR [ft] – SEE: Court Reporter
Crown Mountains [ft] – a broken ring of large glacial debris deposits that sporadically circle the globe in the Northern Intemperate Zone. aka: Shock Collar
CSO – SEE: Chief Science Officer.
CTD – SEE: Calibrated Time Determinants.
Cutting Edge Technology (CET) – The ability to thinly slice Quantum Storage from the Quantum Storage corrupted by chrono-cohesion for binary conversion and Reverse Time Flow compiling. Segments are delivered in ascending numerical order with each higher segment number being a pretinuation of the previous lower numbered segment.
Data Analyzer – A person skilled at compiling information from individual perspectives to create a much broader picture.
Data Deconstruction Virus (DDV) [ft] – Software used to deter unlawful downloads of Court Reporter Data. It corrupts the data being downloaded and infects the devices used for the illegal hack with tracking software.
Data Mining Teams (DMT) / Data Miners – The umbrella term for divisions and employees working in The Void to decode data from the tctm, including TV, RTF, and MAP.
Data Negative Zone (DNZ) – The block of quantum storage between the End of Continuous Data Flow and the start of the Quantum Entanglement. The DNZ received zero input but consumed quantum storage space.
Data Recover Insertion Point (DRIP) – Viable access point within a quantum to digital conversion allowing Forward Time Arrow observation.
Decoder – A person employed to translate unknown computer codes into a usable current format.
Deductive Decoding – A suite of software tools to convert computer code from technology that does not yet exist and recovered code with large gaps to a usable current format.
dd – The username of a cyber entity responsible for the dumping CanardCom data online.
DDV [ft] – SEE: Data Deconstruction Virus.
De-Censutized [ft] – All persons who are deemed as not counting and purposefully excluded from any official census.
Department of Water and Power (DWP) [ft] – Responsible for production, acquisition, and dispersal of vital resources for Extant Perish.
Department of Water and Power - Enforcement (DWP-E) [ft] – The private security force of the DWP. Responsible for protection of the production, acquisition, and dispersal of vital resources by DWP. Known for their distinctive uniforms, they are the second most powerful agency in Extant Perish.
Die Hards [ft] – Freelance workers for the DWP who live outside the city walls of Extant Perish.
Digs [ft] – The underground living quarters for The Ants. Located in Area G (ar.G) of Gross Acres.
DMT – SEE: Data Mining Teams.
Doggs [ft] – SEE: Kludge Dogg
Doppler TC – SEE: Doppler Time Coding.
Doppler Time Coding (Doppler TC) – Use of the color spectrum in 4qVis to show the expansion and contraction of time passing through The String. Blue Shift when time moves too fast, Red Shift as time slows down.
DRIP – SEE: Data Recover Insertion Point.
DWP – SEE: Department of Water and Power.
DWP-E – SEE: Department of Water and Power - Enforcement.
DWP-E Supervisor [ft] – People skilled in the use of Supervisor Bots used to command field units to enforce DWP Laws.
The Dump [ft] – Name for Area A (ar.A) in Gross Acres.
Eco-Inclemency [ft] – Extreme environmental conditions that show little mercy, Weather patterns include Intemperatures, Hot-Nados, Biting Wind, Hell Stones, and Raincid.
Editor – SEE: Timeline Visualizer.
Electronic Claiming Stakes (ECS) [ft]: GLRA approved claimant locator beacons programmable to one square mile. The definition of a makers configuration is contoured to the staked terrain. Expanding from 4 feet to 11 feet from spiked tip to the satellite linked electronics housing saucer. The two types of claiming stakes are Primary Claiming Beacons and Auxiliary Claiming Beacons. aka: Claiming Stakes, Mile Markers
Electromagnetic Field (EM) – The electronic signature given off by electronic devices. Explained often in science fiction films.
EM – SEE: Electromagnetic Field
Emaranhush [ft] – The common language of Extant Perish, a blending of Spanish, English, and Portuguese. In the current timeframe the only interpreter fluent in Emaranhush is CLOIS, the polygot. aka: Hush
Emerald City [ft] – A vast expanse of various Food Co-Op skyscrapers in the Infi-Red. Structures include Food Pyramids and Extra-Terrarium Geodesic Domes.
End Of Time – unapproved in-house slang for EoT.
End Of Timeline (EoT) – The designation for the end of uninterrupted data flow found in The String.
EOT – SEE: Equation Of Time.
EoT - SEE: End Of Timeline – not End of Time.
EoT Scrapings – In-house slang for specimen slices acquired using Cutting Edge Technology
Equation Of Time (EOT) – Formula to reconcile the difference between apparent solar time and mean solar time. It is expressed as EOT = GHA – GMHA. The difference allows for leap year and insertion of seconds in the atomic clock standard.
Equatorial Migration – The possible movement of the world’s population into a region between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.
Exegesis – The critical interpretation and unbiased explanation of data.
Exegetist – A person who practices exegesis.
Extant Perish [ft] – A City / State located in the Tropical Zone. Walls or Health Barriers restrict travel. It is speculated to be on the edge of a much larger worldwide city complex called Orbis Urbs.
Extra-Terrarials [ft] – People who live and work in Extra-Terrariums
Extra-Terrariums [ft] – Multi acreage, multi-tiered, greenhouse structures. Similar to Food Pyramids but created with geodesic dome adaptations. They are self-contained ecosystems designed for internal seasonal controls and programmable weather patterns for specific crop rotations.
Field Supervisor Bot [ft] – Worn like an exoskeleton, the large alloy frame has bio-hydraulic enhanced appendages and plexiglass shielding. Armed with multiple weapons it maneuvers on a tripod of legs with supple all-terrain tread feet.
FFA [ft] – SEE: Free Form Aquifer.
Flex Wheel [ft] – A motorcycle where wheels convert from the normal under the frame configuration to extend front and back so the rider is in a recumbent position for low passages.
Flux [ft] – The area of land between Infi-Red and the Intemperate Zone. It is in habited by Die Hards, Honey Dippers, and the Communers in The Settlements. The borders of this area are ill defined due to inconsistent seasonal patterns. Eco-Inclemency is the defining trait of Flux.
Food Co-Op [ft] – The consortium of food growing corporations that protects smaller farms, as well as themselves, from price gouging by the DWP when it pertains to food production. Operating mainly in the Infi-Red, their influence extends into the city and its government.
Food Court [ft] – The meeting hall for the Hoarders in the Country Outlet Mall.
Food Pyramid [ft] – Varying in scale from personal garden to Corporate Mega Farm, The Food Pyramid is a structure that uses Inclined Vertical Horticulture or IVH to create acres of additional growing space. Smaller pyramids in Extant Perish are not fully enclosed unlike the sealed pyramids in the Inii-Red.
Foreman [ft] – The highest leadership position in Gross Acres.
Four-dimensional Quantum storage Visualizer (4qVis) – Infusing Three Dimensional Volumetric Imaging with Doppler Time Coding to track the speed at which time flows through the umbilical. The product of the 4qVis process can be displayed on 2 dimensional computer screens, 3 dimensional holographic projections, or 4 dimensional immersive virtual reality.
Free Form Aquifer (FFA) [ft] – a system of gravity-driven water collectors in conjunction with IVH agriculture. It allows Food Pyramids and Extra Terrariums to use humidity extractors and rain collectors for trickle down watering and not rely on the expensive water supplied by the DWP. IVH and the FFA form a field drip to the farm.
[ft] – SEE: Future Term.
Future Tensing – The use of the past tense when referencing events that have not yet occurred.
Future Terms ([ft]) – Glossary note indicating it came from one of the DMTs.
GameFrame – The computer mainframe and server for all CanardCom games and the CanardCom Game Page.
The Gardens [ft] – Area E (ar.E) within Gross Acres where the Ants grow their food.
Geo-Locks [ft] – Software in an OAM that protects the identity of the final location until passing through multiple specified geographic areas.
GHA – SEE: Greenwich Hour Angle.
Ghost-burbs [ft] – Suburban homes deserted in The Abandonment.
Global Land Reclamation Alliance (GLRA) [ft] – The future worldwide organization authorized to legitimize claims in land forfeited during The Abandonment. The privately owned company dedicated to expanding livable areas on the planet also has sole control of the technology that makes Global Time Protocols possible.
Global Time Protocols (GTP) [ft] – Encrypted suite of software owned by GLRA. Used for worldwide time synchronicity. Essential for navigation and commerce.
GLRA [ft] – SEE: Global Land Reclamation Alliance.
GLRA Locator Beacons [ft] – Electronics use to fix location, perimeter, and time stamps for verification of homestead registration. SEE: Electronic Claiming Stake, Primary Claiming Beacon, and Auxiliary Claiming Beacon.
GMHA – SEE: Greenwich Mean Hour Angle.
Gold Diggers [ft] – People who leave the city with the dream of striking it rich by digging up the past. Sometimes associated with grave robbers.
Greenwich Hour Angle (GHA) – The apparent or actual solar time, which is not precisely 24 hours.
Greenwich Mean Hour Angle (GMHA) – Also considered Universal Time, the mean hour calculates each noon as exactly 24 hours apart.
Gross Acres [ft] – Twelve sq miles of land granted by the GLRA. It encompasses ar,A / The Dump, ar,B / The Hub, ar,C / The Vaults, ar,D / The Junk Yard, ar,E / The Gardens, ar,F / The Water Park, ar,G / Digs, ar,H / Bio Control, and ar,I / Wasteland.
SEE: Addendum G: Gross Acres Defined.
GTP [ft] – SEE: Global Time Protocols.
Harmonic Convergence – Synchronizing the temporal speeds of metadata contained in overlapping coherent data streams.
Hazmat Battle Armor [ft] – Suits built to protect Repairman in toxic zones.
Hot-Sphere Transducers [ft] – Usually in pairs, they are heat driven inflated blimps used for energy fabrication by causing them to bounce in a thermal up draft which in tern drives a pumping action in a SEx Machines.
The Health Department [ft] – The most powerful entity within Extant Perish, controlling movement within the city.
The Health Guard [ft] – The enforcement division of the Health Department.
Hoarders [ft] – A cult based on the reverence of those who had enough foresight to never throw anything away.
Hoarders Hermitage [ft] – The homes and storehouses of the revered Hoarders. Based in the Country Outlet Mall.
Honey Dippers [ft] – People who make their money as merchants, traveling around selling to those who live in Flux. Their scruples are questionable and are handled with care. They get their name from tapping DWP pipelines and syphoning off battery charges from the DWP grids.
Horology – The science and the art required for measuring time and creating the instruments used in that endeavor. ie: clocks
Hot Ice [ft] – Radioactive glacier flows.
Hot-Nado [ft] – A radioactive windstorm.
The Housing War [ft] – Data suggests the compression of the world’s population between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn caused bloody and intense battles during the Tropical Migration. It has been described as a war between nations in world that shrugged off its borders, a war by civilians for the fate of civilization.
Hybrid Active Solar System [ft] – It features both techniques of solar to power conversion. Tracking mirrors create concentrated light but instead of creating heat for steam turbines, the focused light is beamed onto a photovoltaic tower for direct conversion into electricity.
Intemperate Zone [ft] – The expanse of livable land furthest away from the equator. Characterized by minimal indigenous animals, extreme cold temperatures, and Hot Ice.
Intemperatures [ft] – sudden and extreme fluctuations in temperature. A condition often found in areas of Eco-Inclemency.
Incoherent Stream – Data stream conflagration producing extreme turbulence and information erosion due to loss of Chrono-cohesion.
Inclined Vertical Horticulture (IVH) [ft] – a system for combining urban building techniques and rural farming needs. Food Pyramids and Extra Terrariums create acres of vertical growing space utilizing a skeletal structure of girders and crossbeams in a triangular weave. Suspended on cables, platforms can be set at multiple levels and optimal angles for open growing areas or enclosed greenhouses. The platforms are geared to follow the path of the sun for maximum solar exposure. Flexible walkways and utility conveyor belt allow access to different crops. It facilitates a Free Form Aquifer or FFA for trickle down watering. To maximize water usage, growing space, and yield potential, IVH and the FFA form a field drip on the farm.
Industrial Park [ft] – this is the area beyond the Red Barrier annexed and controlled by Extant Perish. It houses “dirty jobs” such as electrical generation, manufacture of building materials, water purification, and waste disposal. It is also the location of the Food Co-Ops’ Emerald City.
Infi-Red [ft] – SEE: Addendum A, Health Zones.
IVH [ft] – SEE: Inclined Vertical Horticulture.
Joystick Jockey [ft] – Drone pilots.
Juxta-Lingual Transposer – An audio based component of the polyglot Clois Vox. It’s program is used to translate future dialects based on current word meanings and usage, overlaid with similar words in multiple languages.
Kiosks [ft] – Nascent Hoarder’s shops in the Country Outlet.
Kludge Dogg [ft] – An oversized, refurbished, two wheeled, fat tired, vehicle assembled from parts of different motorcycles. Retrofitted for electric engines with alcohol boost.
Köppen Classification – A classification system that is used to identify areas on the globe as defined by five major climate groups. It uses factors such as wet to dry and cold to hot.
Last Ditch [ft] – A naturally eroded path through the Stonewalls section of the Crown Mountains that leads to The Wipe.
Macers [ft] – A large sect within the Hoarders Hermitage.
Mall Cops [ft] – The well-armed security of the Hoarders Hermitage.
Mall Manager [ft] – The highest authority in making and enforcing rules within the Hoarders Hermitage.
Manager [[ft] – SEE: Mall Manager.
MAP - SEE: Meta Attenuation Program.
MAP Readers – The Meta Attenuation Program data sequencers who correlate metadata form disparate quantum threads to create a fuller image of the data environment.
Master Control [ft] – The nerve center of Gross Acres.
The Maze – The complex of buildings that are the CanardCom headquarters. Corridors in The Maze work in three dimensions featuring sharp angles, hidden elevators, and stairs leading to different levels. This structure houses business affairs, manufacturing, shipping, research and development, and The Void.
Meta Attenuation Program (MAP) – Software and hardware needed to decode and harmonize metadata provided from multiple sources.
Metadata – A set of data that provides information, describes, or places contextual context on other data
Mile Marker [ft] – See: Electronic Claiming Stake, Claiming Stake, Primary Claiming Beacon, Auxiliary Claiming Beacon.
Minutesworth Mystery Game – A CanardCom computer mind game. Clues are given and a crime must be solved in one minute.
Money Bombs [ft] – Hitting intruders with valuable items as bribes to leave in lieu of death.
Mother’s Wrath [ft] – A section of the Crown Mountains that separates The Wipe from The Bleak. It is a mix of natural and unnatural materials. Several cities were consumed by a glacier, ground up and mixed together leaving behind a surreal landscape and an unnatural mountain range.
Monitoring Corridor [ft] – A strip of land within Extant Perish that contains a Wellness Barrier. The corridors control access points through the Wellness Barrier to different Health Zones.
Myri-pod [ft] – the ability of individual ATG’s to connect in various formations (caterpillar, diamond, etc.) to facilitate traveling in convoys with auto guidance. Travel in Myri-pod conserves energy and allows the crew to rest in shifts.
Next Horizon – CanardCom secure facility in an undisclosed location. Dedicated solely to the development, deployment, and maintenance of the tctm.
Nords [ft] – A large sect within the Hoarders Hermitage.
OAM [ft] – SEE: Overactive Map.
One Stop Shop [ft] – Large stores within the Country Outlet Mall known for having one of everything.
One Time Customers (OTC) [ft] – People who pass through the Country Outlet Mall heading for the wilderness to find a new life. It also refers to the fact they usually don’t survive.
Orbis Urbs [ft] – Purported to be one large city that circles the earth at the equator. Current agreed upon translation from Latin, Orbit City.
OTC [ft] – SEE: One Time Customers.
Overactive Map (OAM) [ft] – Portable digital map with 3D modeling. Geo-Locks on Route Matrix and ZEST Aligned UrHr.
Phishing Line – In-house slang for The String.
PN [ft] – SEE: Psychic Nurse.
Point to Point Predictive Protocol (ppPP) – Algorithm used to calculate highest probability simulation of actions unseen. Using computer animation to fill in the gaps that exist between known visual, aural, and metadata anchor points on a given timeline.
Polyglot – Skilled in many languages.
ppPP – SEE: Point-to-Point Predictive Protocol.
Prequencing – The process of assembling slice of data delivered in Reverse Time Arrow for Forward Time Arrow observation.
Pretinuation – Another component software used by the RTF Dept. to link EoT Specimens recovered by the CET.
Primary Claiming Beacon [ft] – Territorial makers capable of setting parameters and registering a Staked Claim. Only programmable by claimant, in person, with on site for facial recognition. Not Bots. No Remotes. It confirms all linked Auxiliary Claiming Beacons for Registration Approval within GLRA Rules. aka: Claiming Stakes, Mile Markers
Psychic Nurse (PN) [ft] – Independent contractors working under the auspices of the Health Dept. Schooled in providing physical and psychological evaluations as well as treatment of patients. They provide clearance documents for those who work in multiple health zones. Their primary cliental is employed in either the numerous branches of Law Enforcement or as Relief Workers.
Putare Ex Machina – Thinking Machine.
QE – SEE: Quantum Entanglement.
QSV – SEE: Quantum String Vibrations.
Quantum Computing – using the properties of quantum mechanics to perform computing tasks.
Quantum Entanglement (QE) – In the tctm context it is a confluence of separate data streams causing corrupted data and distortion due to the inability to partition the streams.
Quantum String Vibrations (QSV) – the waves seen within the The String when viewed using 4qVis.
Quantum Umbilical – SEE: String, The.
r – File coding for “report.” Ex. RTF.r.01 or ch2.r.03
Raincid [ft] – Precipitation with precariously high acidic levels.
Ransom Noting – Visualizer software for sequencing words and phrases derived from multiple sources and languages to make a single coherent statement.
Recession [ft] – The term for the future geological event of retreating glaciers and warming temperatures.
Red Barrier [ft] – The outer most wall of Extant Perish’s restricted health zones. SEE: Addendum A: Extant Perish Health Zones.
Relief Workers [ft] – Professionals who help reduce stress through sex. A highly unionized work force of solely independent contractors, no agents. Medically protected with frequent monitoring by Psychic Nurses and pre-contact client insta-clearance.
Repairmen [ft] – Generic term for members of Condition Red Repair.
Resonate Meta-Harmonics (RMH)– Seemingly disjointed data points that are base line information found in separate string vibration. Logic connections from divergent sources used in topical mapping, discovering civil law, and language idioms are revealed in thr RMH. aka: Bass Notes
Reverse Time Flow Department (RTF Dept.) – The exegetic data analyzers responsible for implementing the intricate process of prequencing Tin Can data delivered in reverse chronological order.
RMH – SEE: Resonate Meta-Harmonics.
RMH Haze – The scattering of RMH data points throughout a Quantum Entanglement.
Route Matrix [ft] – The computer program in an OAM holding directions to a destination, alternate paths if needed, terrain details, and ZEXT corrected navigational cooridantes.
RTF – SEE: Reverse Time Flow.
Sanitizers [ft] – Weaponized drones deployed by DWPE in the Infi-Red to avoid deploying DWPE Officers in a zone that would require quarantine before reentering the city.
The Settlements [ft] – The areas in Flux where small towns and communes have taken root.
SEx Machine [ft] – SEE: Synergistic Energy Exchange.
SEx Worker [ft] – Employees at a Synergistic Energy Exchange.
SFU – File coding for Supervisor Field Updates.
Shock Collar [ft] – Common term for the Crown Mountains.
Shoppers [ft] – Derogatory slang referring to Hoarders as traders always looking for a better deal, usually in a conniving way.
SL – File coding for Security Level. SEE: Attachment – CanardCom Security Levels.
Spin Rate – The percentage an unverifiable information is true based on the SVA of the presenter.
Staked Claim [ft] – A GLRA approved section of land registered for potential ownership.
Statistical Variance Algorithm (SVA) – A formula using verifiable facts against governmental figures to calculate a Spin Rate.
Stonewalls [ft] – The future natural barrier that protects the Intemperate Zone from The Wipe. House sized boulders rolled, stacked, and polished to form straight rows of rock walls hundreds of feet tall.
String, The, – A viral program self-replicating at the quantum level. Data gathered by The Tin Can is downloaded through The String almost instantly to the activation point of the Time Travel Protocols. aka: The Umbilical, Time Tubes
Super Bot [ft] – SEE: Supervisor Bot.
Supervisor Bot [ft] – DWP-E equipment that allows Supervisors to be in two places at once. Specifications are classified but the cylindrical robotic device can expand from approximately three feet to six feet in height with 360º multi-sensor input. It maneuvers on a trio of hydraulic legs with all terrain treads as feet. A translucent bubble at the top houses a holographic projection of the Supervisor’s Selfie-cam, “DWP prides itself on the personal touch.” The Supervisors control their Bots from an unseen command center. Supervisors can manipulate multiple robotic arms with articulating hands. They can also access weapons stored in the cylinder’s body and control weaponized surveillance drones. Supervisor Bots allow Supervisors to move between Health Zones without going through quarantine. aka: Super Bot
Supervisor Field Updates (SFU) [ft] – Updates on works in progress assigned to a DWP-E Supervisor.
SVA – SEE: Statistical Variance Algorithm
Sweet Misery [ft] – A settlement in Flux that controls the Velho Clockwork Bridge.
Synergistic Energy Exchange, [ft] – A Bi-Input Transducer using light and wind to create electricity. A Hybrid Solar System and Heat-Spheres are main components of energy fabrication. aka: SEx Machine
TAG – SEE: Technological Advancements in Gaming.
TAG Team – SEE: Technological Advancements in Gaming.
TBD – To Be Determined
tctm – File coding for Tin Can Time Machine.
Tech Decoder Ring, The – An online publication dedicated to uncover dangerous hidden technology. Their masthead reads, It’s what you don’t see that you don’t get.
Technological Advancements in Gaming,– The R&D wing of CanardCom. Working in the secure offices of The Void, their declared mission is to create fresh games, develop powerful software, and invent new hardware. aka: TAG, TAG Team
Temporal Intervals Symbols – part of the TTP dedicated horology. Correlating differing standards of measuring time to calculate temporal distance along The String. aka: Time Markers
Think Tank [ft] – A hodgepodge of old tractors, campers, and truck trailers that are bolted, welded, and hinged together to make a large movable command center.
Three Dimensional Volumetric Imaging (3dVi) – Converting quantum data into a visual three-dimensional representation.
Time Markers – SEE: Temporal Interval Symbols.
Time Travel Protocols (TTP) – The bundled firmware and software that Strings between the Tin Can in the future to the Tin Can in the now.
Time Tubes – SEE: The String.
Timeline Visualization – Both the software and the technical expertise needed to restore and decode information found in tctm binary conversions for chronological multimedia display.
Timeline Visualizer – Decoder skilled in assembling media recovered from The String. aka: Editor
Tin Can Time Machine (tctm) – A data gathering devise that talks to itself on a quantum String that stretches over time.
Tiques [ft] – Small specialty shops within the Country Outlet Mall
Tropification [ft] – Term used for the era and events that encompass from The Abandonment to the creation of Extant Perish and Orbis Urbs.
TTP – SEE: Time Travel Protocols.
Umbilical – SEE: String, The.
UrHr [ft] – Software that shows the OAM’s current geographic location.
UT – SEE: Universal Time
Universal Time – The current, earth based time standard.
The Vaults [ft] – Area C (ar.C) of Gross Acres where valuable recyclables are stored.
Velho Clockwork Bridge [ft] – A series of platforms and funiculars used to move vehicles and people between Flux and The Bleak that spans the Velho River Gorge.
Velho River Gorge [ft] – A wide natural barrier with a mixture of slow moving mud plains and swift cut through currents.
Vest Dockets [ft] – Pockets on a Court Reporter’s uniform used for charging and downloading information from of CR Drones.
VOICE – File coding provided by CLOIS and approved acronym for the Court Reporter’s Verified Omni Input Evidence Collection Log or Coleta de Evidencias Omni Input Verificado. VOICE is unimpeachable testimony presented by a Court Reporter of the Extant Perish Judicial System.
The Void – The area within The Maze where research is conducted on secret CanardCom projects. The Void is isolated from any external connections. No Wi-Fi, cellular, or hardwire Internet connection plus separate internal power supply. Separate water and sewage and twice-screened food service. Corridors in The Void are characterized by curved angles and ramps to different levels. Entrances to secure doorways may open to The Maze or The Void depending on security clearance. Some areas of The Void are visible from The Maze but all electronic communication is blocked.
Vulture-cams [ft] – High altitude surveillance gliders equipped with visual and thermal spectrum imaging.
Wasteland [ft] – Area I (ar.I) of Gross Acres is for the disposal and treatment of unusable items from The Dump as well as for current waste created by The Ants.
Water Park [ft] – The water supply for The Ants is Area F (ar.F).
Wave Powered Desalinization and Filtration Pumping Stations [ft] – Used by the DWP to convert less contaminated deep ocean water into potable water. One of the many steps uses magnetic waves to separate ionized salt particles.
The Wipe [ft] – The area beyond The Crown Mountains that was cleared by the once relentless and now retreating glacier flows.
Xenites [ft] – Derogatory slang stereotyping all strangers as dangers.
Xenobiosis [ft] – Creating an interdependent relationship within an environment that is hostile to humans.
Yearish [ft] – The actual time span for the earth to orbit completely around the sun one time versus the variable pattern of solar solstices and equinoxes possibly caused by unstable axis rotation.
Yotta – The largest prefix in decimals. A one with twenty-four zeros.
Yotta Knots [ft] – The largest units of measures tied to The String.
ZBA [ft] – SEE: Zenith Based Algorithm.
Zenith Based Algorithm (ZBA) [ft] – Formula in GTP for extrapolating date, time, location, and daily solar amplitude and duration using ZEST measurements to establish a baseline.
ZEST [ft] – SEE: Zodiac Earth Standard Time.
Zodiac Earth Standard Time (ZEST) [ft] – The nocturnal component of the integrated astronomical tracking software that allows GTP to calculate time and location on a global scale.